Why does New Zealand need a waste tracking system?

As part of the Policy Framework to Reduce and Safely Manage Hazardous Wastes in New Zealand, the Ministry for the Environment identified that a gap exists in tracking priority hazardous wastes from point of generation to final disposal.

It has been identified that a tracking system would:

• Ensure the safe transportation of wastes to an approved treatment/disposal facility

• Monitor and track wastes to prevent unauthorised discharge into the natural environment

• Collate information to assist central and local government in identifying priority waste management issues and to assist with developing good policy

• Provide an independent system for companies in the waste management industry

• Increase industry and community awareness of the proper treatment of hazardous waste

Liquid waste contractors who have used WasteTRACK have seen the benefits of using a tracking system, such as improving business practices, tracking seasonal variations in waste generation and planning business workloads and maintenance.



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